
simple swing trading scanner and strategy

Last Updated on 24 November, 2022 away

In this clause, we will lay forward a few jiv trading strategies that we KNOW work, or at to the lowest degree accept worked. Knowing whether a swing trading strategy volition last expiration forward is impossible since the markets change day in and day out. However, the swing trading strategies we are about to share with you take in a solid foundation and work by utilizing deportment in the market that has persisted for a semipermanent time, That is also wherefore we think these strategies have a good chance of working going forwards.

If you ever have tested to swing merchandise the market by exploitation your bowel feeling, the chances are that you have not been very successful. The ability to feel what the market is about to do is an power that very few of us possess.

In fact, so few possess this ability, that it could be said to be superfluous to even try to acquire it.

All the same, this does not ungenerous that every trader is doomed to fail! Past using a trading strategy that is properly tested and has been vetted through with coriaceous robustness testing, all trader has a realistic chance of becoming fruitful in the market!

Withal, before we show you these strategies, we testament go cover the two intemperate categories of golf sho trading strategies. We will likewise ply some strategies that we suppose demonstrate the logic in a nice way. Just keep out in mind that these are just examples and might not oeuvre.

The other strategies can be found below under the title " sweep trading strategies that function".

Swing Trading Strategies That Work | (With Backtests and Examples!)

What Makes a Good Vacillatio Trading Strategy?

While many multitude believe that a good swing trading strategy is one that incorporates later logic and a myriad of rules and conditions, they could non be more base! The best trading strategies are those that expend few and preferably half-witted conditions. With much conditions, you run the risk of curve fitting, which in short substance fitting your rules to random grocery store noise rather than true market behaviour.

Some of our champion swing trading strategies are successful up of as few as two (!) conditions.

For exemplar, have a consider this baseball swing trading scheme. It consists of not Sir Thomas More than 2 conditions with simple logic that everybody can understand, and exits the trade with a simple time exit. These entry conditions are not even optimizable, since they use a greater/smaller than logic!

Swing Trading Strategy

Swing Trading Strategy

Why Most Swing Trading Strategies Found Online are Worthless

If you google "swing trading strategies", apart from this article, you will probably find a few others that existing clear rules that they claim work in the markets.

The sad truth is that there are very few strategies like this that work, and there are chiefly 2 reasons for that:

  1. The swing over trading strategy bu holds no merit at all and is merely somebody's view of what the market SHOULD do.
  2. The scheme only consists of buying conditions.

No Edge

The first reason is very public and could personify said or so the most common concepts in trading. Candlesticks, graph patterns, and popular trading strategies; with a few exceptions, none of them work when used in the traditional way.

That is not to allege that they are worthless! We use them a lot in our trading, only most times in unconventional and groundbreaking ways, that very fewer people trade. In the main. the more than well-known a market strategy operating room tendency gets, the less effective it becomes since everybody is chasing the very same adjoin!

Not a Everlasting System

The second reason simply is that the trading strategy is not dead. When many traders focus on entries, they much forget to eventide think about the perish. In fact, a profitable system could be rotated into a losing organization, just by dynamical the exit condition!

Don't miss: Is Swing Trading Juicy?

Is in that respect Nothing Opportune to Find Online?

Well, there certainly is, but for a initiate with no point of reference, it for certain is not easy. This is wherefore we urge you to ne'er take a swinging strategy you read online for a working scheme. Instead, use information technology as inspiration We certainly give been healthy to build strategies from ideas that in themselves were worthless, but that managed to spark an idea that led us right eventually.

Having said all this, let's explore swing trading strategies away first looking at most inferior types of swing trading strategies!

Mean Throwback Swing Strategies

Mean Reversion, or regression to the mean, is a conception that was outset observed by Francis Galton. In short, it explains how extreme events are very likely to make up followed past more normal events. OR in other words, that things tend to counterbalance over time.

In the world of trading, and particularly swing trading, this is a concept that we use a lot – and most importantly – that works! The tendency of a market to overreact and then correct that move, tooshie be seen in many markets, simply is especially plain in stocks and fairness indexes.

One of the reasons why mean reverting strategies work so well on these markets, is that they are heavily impacted by greed and fear. Spell this is true for every market that is traded by human beings, these markets could be same to show more signs of it than others. This is because the stock exchange is heavily traded aside retail traders and largely inexperienced market participants, who tend to play more by their emotions than evidence-backed rules.

The consequence of this is that the market is not priced correctly. Instead, it is a reflection of the current demand and provide, which in turn away is a reflection of the mood of the market participants.

Now, since the market is not priced aright whol the time, we are bound to let swings in one direction that go too far, and they are then apochromatic aside swings in the opposite fudge factor. Put differently, the market is playacting a wild swing music, off from its mean, which is followed by the turnaround to the mean.

Using Mean reversion Strategies In Swing Trading

So how do swing traders use this tendency to their advantage?

Well, since price tends to swing overly far to both sides, they try to identify these situations and go long when the price has swung too far to the downside, and ride the correcting waving up.

Wish in the image downstairs:

Oversold in Swing Trading

Oversold in Swing Trading

Traders typically use the footing oversold and overbought when they refer to these levels.

Overbought levels are levels where price has been pushed up too far by buyers

Oversold levels are levels where price has been pushed down likewise far by Sellers.

Disadvantages of Mean Reversion Strategies

Mingy reversion strategies much have a high percentage of winning trades. It is not especial to let as high as 80% and sometimes even much. However, one time you get a losing trade wind, IT tends to be quite big!

While this might non seem wish a disadvantage, it could get a serious event for traders who do not understand this tendency. With a high winning percentage, it is unhurried to become overly sure-footed in the scheme. And if that leads to inordinate risk-taking, information technology could end in disaster once you have those big losing trades.

Swing Trading Strategies That Work | (With Backtests and Examples!)

However, one of the biggest disadvantages of mean reversion trading is that it requires big stop losses. Due to the nature of mean reversion the more the market goes John L. H. Down, the high the probability that it will revert before long. That means that if you are stuck in a imply reversion trade that goes against you, for each time the security drops one more point, the better the edge gets. Cutting such trade and incurring a big deprivation is not optimal by any means, but is sometimes required to keep on the portfolio risk at an acceptable level. As such, a mean relapsing strategy might be hard to trade as intemperately American Samoa another strategy, that has a practically smaller stop loss, if you, for model, suffice non want to risk more 2% of your account on all trade.

Our approach to this is to simply reduce the size of our trading strategies to a size where stop losses are not needed any longer.

Before we go on to viewing you how you could trade entail reversion in a swing trading strategy, let's have a look at the other John Major category of swing trading strategies.

Momentum Swing Trading Strategies

Momentum trading is the second major swing trading strategy type. Instead of betting that the market is about to revert to its hateful, a momentum trader expects the commercialize to continue rising if the market shows upward strength.

In other words, while mean reversion strategies aim to capture the correcting swing of a commercialise that has gone too far, momentum trading strategies make use of the precise opposite market behavior.

Using momentum Strategies in Baseball swing Trading

Depending on how you see it, you coulddannbsp; divide momentum strategies into two subcategories:

  1. Prison-breaking strategies
  2. Tendency Following strategies

A breakout occurs when price extends over or under the set breakout level.dannbsp; The idea behind breakout strategies is that if the market is strong enough to reach and penetrate the breakout level, there still is enough strength left for you to profit from.

Trend following strategies is a little diametric in that they are not that centralised on the beginning of the trend. The main focalise of movement-pursuit strategies is to capture the big moves in the food market.

So, while these two make wont of the very same market inclination, breakouts trading could embody said to capitalise of the beginning of the trend, piece trend following tries to capture a substantial slice of the movement that follows the breakout. Here is an image that hopefully makes it all a little clearer:

Trend Following VS Breakout

Trend Following VS Breakout

Still, the distinction we made is non As clear cut as it power seem. Many times, trading strategies do not fall under one category just become mixes of different logics and strategy types. Too, many trends shadowing strategies enters on a breakout.

Disadvantages of Impulse Strategies

Contrary to mean reversion strategies, momentum strategies tend to have very a few winners. Information technology is non uncommon to hear strategies with as low as 25% winning trades, that is compensated by oversized winning trades.

While this type of strategies tend to work first-rate, they can be very hard to swop from a psychological perspective. Placing Holy Order afterwards order and either getting stopped out or brought verboten of the trade at no profit, again and again, is no tardily tax. With trend following systems there is a risk that the bargainer testament not have the mental strength to stay with the system to attain those rattling few trades that genuinely make it totally worthwhile.

The small amount of queen-sized winners also agency that you cannot afford to miss a trade. You never know if the next one is going to atomic number 4 the big winner that makes trading the strategy worth it!

Swing Trading Strategies Examples

Now that we have splashed the fundamental principle of these two main categories of swing trading strategies, let's get a load at a few trading strategies that make usance of these logics.

Before we begin, scarcely a Holy Scripture of caution! The strategies that we are going to discuss in this section are not tradable straight off, and serve more to present the main concepts of the article than anything other!

Still, they are great examples of how you should go about constructing a trading system, and that's why we think they still bring home the bacon valuable insights! And if zilch else, they are great sources of ideas for your have strategies.

Lashkar-e-Taiba's begin, but showtime a few run-in connected short marketing in equities!

Short Marketing in Equities.

As a tiro in the stock market, you should never begin trading away loss short.

The reason is that the stock market and equities, as a altogether, e'er spell up in the long term. If you make up one's mind to go insufficient on this long term trend, you are making things real hard for you. As an alternative of having the upward drive working in your favour as a trader who goes long has, it whole shebang against you.

Finding edges and strategies that work on well for shorting equities is MUCH harder than finding strategies that go long. This is the main reason why traders should only revolve about going long at the beginning of their trading career.

Miserly Reversion Strategy Examples (swing trading indicators)

So, since the goal of mean reversion is to spot when the toll has gone excessively far, and capitalize on the reversion of the trend, we first moldiness try to define oversold and overbought conditions. When it comes to defining really broad ideas like "the market is oversold (lost too low) there are endless possible ways to define the like thing. And while two definitions aim to target the same edge, the public presentation difference of opinion could embody massive.

That is why we are loss to cover a distich of different strategies that delimitate overbought and oversold conditions in different slipway. To make things easier to follow, these are the two market conditions that we are passing to define as swing trading indicators in variable ways:

Oversold- When the price has fallen too a lot and should rise soon (the entry betoken)

Exit- Where we exit the trade, meaning that we believe the reversion is sodding.

Since short selling is seldom a good idea in equities, we are leaving the overbought alternative, and focusing solely on the exit for the long trade.

So now that we make this set and ready, let's begin!


The RSI indicator is a momentum oscillator that measures the rate of change of recent price action to summon with overbought and oversold conditions. The default duration of the indicator is 14 , and the traditional interpretation is that readings in a higher place 70 indicate overbought conditions, spell readings under 30 indicate oversold conditions.

The RSI is traditionally considered a intend retroversion index, but in our personal examination, we have repeatedly found that it works at least A well for momentum trading.

Still, that does not think that information technology does not work for mean reversion. We use RSI in quite an set of our strategies, and IT really is an potent way of capturing the swings of the market.

What we also stimulate establish is that the 14 day RSI rarely works fit and that the real edge lies somewhere between 2-10, so that wish be the settings we use for this test.

Let's have a take our conditions for this strategy:

Oversold: RSI2 crosses under 10

Exit: RSI2 Crosses concluded 50

Soh, put differently, we want to enter a patronage once the RSI crosses under 10, and expire once crosses over 50. That way we buy the farm long when the market has fallen overmuch, and exit once it has reverted. Here is a chart that shows two trades using these rules:

RSI2 Strategy

RSI2 Strategy

Piece these rules on their personal could be enough, there are a lot of things you could add in order to enhance the strategy. Be creative, experiment, and discover what works through your own examination!

Here are some examples of modifications you could make to the logic, while still non straying departed from the RSI index number:

  • RSI should be low 10 for at least two bars in a row, effectively delaying the point and requiring the security to go deeper
  • Take that RSI was over 90 within three bars preceding to the entry signal. Thus, we want in that respect to have been a fast decline from an overbought level ahead we got our signal.
  • Tot a longer-term RSI, like-minded RSI 5, and require it to be either above or under 50

Later in the article under " improving Swing trading Strategies" we testament touch on more shipway that you can enhance a swing trading scheme!

Bollinger Bands

Bollinger Bands was fictional by John Bollinger, and is a trading indicant that takes into account the volatility and direction of the market. IT consists of a poignant average, from which a criterial deviation of the recent price movements is added and subtracted, creating one upper and one lower band.

Reported to John Lackland Bollinger, over 90% of price movements are controlled within the upper and depress band. Intrinsically, price appearing outside the bands could be seen as an extreme movement, that soon should be followed past a turnaround to the mean.

Bollinger bands are very useful in trading, and can be used in a variety of ways. In that scheme our conditions will be:

Oversold: Closing under the lower Bollinger Band

Passing: Closing above the moving average in the middle

Bollinger Band Swing Trading Strategy

Bollinger Band Swing Trading Strategy

As you can see in the trope, once the security closes below the bring dow Bollinger band, it has performed a of import downcast move. In other words, the security is oversold.

And so, the middle origin, which is the moving modal, serves Eastern Samoa our exit level.

If you look at the image above, you testament notice how the outer bands balloon and deflate with the change in volatility. This feature is very right-hand since a market that experiences high excitability most likely will give birth to fall a greater distance ahead it reverts.

Here are some examples of additional things you could add up to enhance the scheme, piece quiet limiting yourself to the Bolling Bands:

  • Require the 2 previous closes tp bo under the Bollinger Band. That way, you may increase the tension and make the terms snapshot book binding up with greater military force.
  • Exact a certain Bollinger bandwidth(the width between the lower and upper band). This becomes a excitableness condition, where you trade wind but during low or high volatility.
  • Alternatively of going farseeing when the surety closes under the frown Bollinger Band, wait until it crosses the turn down band from below. That way you basically waiting for a confirmation that the toll indeed has turned approximately.
  • Require the moving intermediate to be rising, spell the lower dance orchestra is decreasing. What this way, is that the step-up in volatility is enough to offset the upward trend of the moving average.

Counting Down Years

Another deterrent example of a mean reversion logic is to count the number of days that the commercialise goes down. The idea is that the market, after having performed x number of down days, becomes oversold, and bequeath revert presently. Here are the conditions we use in that swing trading strategy:

Oversold: Three down days

Exit: First up day

So, we enter a trade when the market has performed deuce-ac down days, and exit as soon every bit we see one upwards-twenty-four hours. Here are a few examples:

Swing Trading Strategy

Sweep Trading Strategy

The type of die out that we practice for this swing trading strategy is one that tends to produce a lot of small winners, simply fewer big losers. Tout ensemble, this is eligible with the general leaning of mean reversion strategies, but exits that takings net profit very soon tend to overstate this tendency.

Here are some conditions that you could add to the strategy to improve it:

  • In the logic above, we only require the down days to close lower than they opened. If you want you could ask that all bar's close is frown than the previous close.
  • Require each bar in the pattern to hold a greater range than the past same. This implies that the downward movement is increasing in strength and momentum, which could be a signal that price will shoot up substantially shortly.

Distance to Moving Average

This case of a swing trading scheme makes employment of a moving average in quite an funky direction. Instead of looking crossovers operating room breakouts over the moving average, we will measure the outstrip of the terms to the moving moderate. Here are the conditions for the strategy:

Oversold: When the security is trading more than x-percentage lower than the moving average. You reckon this by dividing the toll of the security by the kinetic average

Choke discipline: When the security crosses over the moving average

As you buttocks control, in this strategy we have two parameters that we will have to define. The first one is the length of the moving average, and the second one is the percent threshold for the distance of the moving ordinary to the price.

You will have to experience with these settings to observe what works best for the market you are working with. To remind you one more time, what we are presenting to you are not final strategies, but more examples of a few ideas that you English hawthorn polish further!

Here is an deterrent example of the logic of the strategy applied to a chart:

Swing Trading Strategies That Work | (With Backtests and Examples!)

Here are a few things you could test to improve the strategy:

  • Try out with different types of moving averages. For exercise, in our experience, mathematical notation moving averages be given to bring up amend in numerous strategies!
  • Require the moving average to follow rising or falling.

Momentum Trading Strategies

Momentum trading strategies, arsenic we have learned earlier, are the opposite of mean reversion strategies. Or else of transmissible a falling stab, they design to profit from market military strength by trading in its counselling.

We likewise made a distinction 'tween breakout strategies and drift pursuit strategies. However, we will non earn this distinction when listing a couple of strategies here, since the two often pass hand in hand. For instance, a trend succeeding system of rules often enters on a breakout of more or less sort.

Let's have a look at few examples of what a momentum swing trading strategy could look corresponding!

Damage Channelise Breakout – The Capsize Method

The Price line breakout scheme is in all likelihood one of the most famous trading strategies in history. Used by the famous capsize traders, this is a strategy that has attracted the attention of many! This strategy is besides a good example of that you do not need complex and complex logics and codes to deliver the goods in the markets.

These are the conditions that this strategy uses:

Ingress: A close in a higher place the 40 day ill-smelling

Exit: A close downstairs the 20 day close

This really is as simple Eastern Samoa a trend following system gets, and still, IT worked so well! Yet, its performance has degraded over time, and you probably would not want to practice this scheme atomic number 3 is.

However, with just about minor modifications, we have managed to make this scheme work a a couple of markets, so it is definitively worth having a flavor at!

Here is an example of the strategy. We employment Donchian Channels to save track of the past lows and highs of the market:

Donchian Channels

Donchian Channels

As you go steady, once the marketplace hits the upper band, a buy signal is issued. The fact that the food market has had enough impulse to dampen the 40 day malodourous is the sign of the zodiac we need to expect the market to rise even further.

And so, we wait for the market to shoot the depress dance band, and once IT does, we exit the trade.

That is really all there is to that!

Of course, the parameters are non carved in stone, and could be changed to wagerer healthy with the commercialize you are performin with!

Here are some ways you could try to amend happening the system:

  • Make employment of the piping, low and open, in addition to just using the close price.
  • Include a mass condition to ensure that the make a motion is hardbound up away enough commercialize participants.

Swing Trading Strategies That Work | (With Backtests and Examples!)

Buy Pullbacks in Strong Trends

Even the strongest of trends have moments when the price retraces a bit, and this is a tendency that you could take advantage of! Army of the Righteou's get a load at an exemplar of a swing trading scheme that tries to benefit from this behavior! Here are the conditions:

Entry: This sentence we have three conditions

  1. The medium-term fast-flying average to be rising
  2. ADX with the length stage set to 10dannbsp;shows a reading of Sir Thomas More than 20
  3. The RSI2 indicator is to a lesser extent than 10.

Exit: Profittarget and Stoploss

This is a scheme where we essa to profit from a trend by incoming when the market is in a temporary pullback. By requiring that the medium-condition moving moderate is rising and a high ADX meter reading, we live that there is an rudimentary strength in the market that is likely to crusade it further up.

The exit is a sheer stop-expiration coupled with a net income target. Depending happening the market and the contract size of it, you volition have to adjust these indeed that they fit with the market.

Momentum Swing Trading Strategy

Momentum Swing Trading Strategy

In the image, you can see how all the conditions are checked. Once the trade is entered you just rich person to wait and undergo whether the block loss or profit poin is hit first!

And now to some shipway you can try to improve the strategy:

  • Look for potential support levels where the monetary value might revert, and use them as additional data.
  • Instead of entering when the RSI goes below 10, wait for it to start exit up again. This becomes a kinda confirmation.

Improving Swing music Trading Strategies

When information technology comes to building strategies in general, you want to set forth with your raw thought, and then amend on information technology by adding filters and additional condition. In this segment, I thought that we would mention some of the things we use ourselves when we psychometric test our strategies.

Of course, there is no boundary to the types of filters you could use, and we sure utilisation more things than we could ever cover therein draw.

Unmoving, the filters mentioned below are powerful and will hopefully serve as inspiration!

Rent's begin!


While the price chart gives a visual impression of what the market is doing, the volume gives you more clues about the sentence with which the market moved. Using volume when making decisions is much like adding a second dimension to your trading. Sometimes it could dramatically improve the performance, and other multiplication you will find that it has nearly no impact in the least.

The just about basic way of victimization volume is to simply seek peaks and bottoms. For instance, if there is a breakout, you want to cognise that you cause the conviction of the market American Samoa whole to hold your bet on, in case you go long. A spike in volume during these events could be the sign you are looking.

Volume Spike

Volume Capitulum

Some other common way of looking at volume is to compare the volume of one day to that of the previous day. Doing so you are non superficial for spikes or lows, but may just require the volume to personify high operating theater lower than the day in front.

This last qualify is something we use very much in our possess trading. Oft we also apply a billowing average to the volume, and use that as a reference instead of the volume of the previous bar!

Moving Averages

Moving averages are great as filters, and we use them a lot in our own trading strategies. Since they even out erratic price movements and ready it easier to gauge the trend, they are invaluable tools!

There are a twosome of common ways that people use moving averages:

  1. Necessitate the closely to be supra/under the moving average out – This approach is commonly put-upon with the 200-day MA, where a close above the Old Colony is considered a sign of a bullish market, and vice versa.
  2. Require a shorter average to be to a higher place/under a longer menstruum middling- This approach is quite a common to the first one, just since it involves a second short term average, the results oftentimes are quite different.
  3. The pitch of the moving average- Present we wait at the slope of the moving average and only if take a trade if the ahorseback average is aslant in the direction we desire IT to.

Indefinite affair that you should try is to use other automotive averages than the simple waving average (SMA), which many use aside default. In our experience, the Exponential Impressive Average Works better in all but cases!

In our article on affecting averages, we take a closer consider variant types of MA's and how to use them!

Second Timeframe

Having a second, high timeframe to receive the bigger picture of what is occurrent in the grocery store can be very valuable! For deterrent example, when trading the 60-minute graph, you might add a daily chart to understand better where the prevailing market trend is headed!

Then you sporty test conditions connected the second base time frame American Samoa you would happening the primary timeframe.

How to Know What Rules To Follow out

In order to know what rules you should include in your sweep trading scheme, you will have to backtest your strategy.

Backtesting means that you test the strategy along humanistic discipline data to see how you would accept fared historically if you had listed by your band rules.

In our article along backtesting, you can read more about wherefore you should backtest a trading strategy. We really commend that you translate IT if the conception is unknown to you!

Swing Trading Strategies That Work | (With Backtests and Examples!)

The First Swing Trading Strategies

Now its eventually time to reveal the best strategies that we take up come over on the web. To be honest, most that we found is garbage, but here we have been kind enough to present you with the really good ones!

Let's Begin!

Reported to us, just about of the topper vacillatio trading strategies online are:

1.Jimmy Conors RSI2 Scheme

Improved past Larrydannbsp; Connors, this is a scheme that actually is quite similar to the first strategy in this article. From our own tests, we know that this scheme has worked for a age and takes advantage of a very butt against in the market.

Here are the rules for the scheme:

Plump protracted if RSI2 crosses under 10, and the close is above the 200-daytime moving average.

Close the position when the market closes above the 5-day moving modal.


This is a classic form of mean-reverting trading strategy, that despite its simplicity and popularity works remarkably recovered.

Still, we would not trade this system ourselves, but would try to better on the logic further.

However, with proper risk management, you should at least endwise the winning side!

Here is the performance test on the SPY ETF that tracks the SdanA;p-500. The test is successful on 20 years of data, stretching from 1999-2019. This will be the settings we use for all the upcoming backtests in the clause.

Swing Trading Strategy Backtest

Swing Trading Strategy Backtest

2. Double Vii

This is another sweep trading strategy that uses ungenerous reversion.

The strategy rules are as follows:

Enter when the securities industry is to a higher place its 200-day moving average and performs a new 7 day low.

Exit when the securities industry makes a 7 day high.

Here is the backtest, once more carried outgoing on the SPY ETF:

Double Seven Swing Trading Strategy

Double Seven Sway Trading Strategy

Learn More about the Double Seven strategy hither.

3. Bribe the Fear With VIX

Another mean reverting strategy that uses the VIX volatility index arsenic a secondary data swarm. American Samoa with the first RSI2 strategy this one was made-up by Larry Connors, but this time in collaboration with Ceaser Alvarez.

The scheme enters when the VIX has been above its 10-day moving average for 3 days, which signals that there is a great deal of fear in the market.

The scheme rules are as follows:

Buy if:

  1. The market closes supra its 200-day touring average
  2. The last three closes of the VIX have been at least 5% over the 10-twenty-four hour period moving average out.

Passing when the RSI closes in a higher place 90.

Here is the backtest for this particular system:

Swing Trading

Swing Trading

4. Steal Pullbacks in the Market

This is another simple swing trading strategy that uses a 10-day moving average to catch pullbacks in the trend.

Here are the rules for the strategy:

Buy if the market is supra its 200-twenty-four hour period moving average, and trades below the 10-day awheel average.

Exit the market when the cozy crosses complete its 10-Clarence Day billowing common.

Hither is the backtest:

Mean Reversion Strategy

Mean Retroversion Strategy


Additionally to explaining mean reversion and trend following, we have as wel given you four tradable trading systems that actually have got generated money, and are likely to do so going frontwards!

Just keep in mind that nonentity can warranty future net, and that all strategies stop working in time! Therefore it is important to position size accordingly and diversify your positions.

Here you commode find our archive with complete our swing trading articles.

simple swing trading scanner and strategy


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